UG Freshers Timetable
*All events compulsory unless otherwise indicated
0th Week: 6-12 October
Time | Type of Event | Event | Location |
10:00 -Onwards * | Collect room key fob and sign in at Lodge; take personal possessions to your room. * Some rooms will only be available from 14:00. | Lodge | |
Optional | Student welcome tea for Freshers, families and friends available | Hall | |
09:30 - 11:15 11:45 - 12:30 14:45 - 16:00 |
ID Check for ALL Freshers. Please remember to bring your passport and visa. The Office will open periodically for you to obtain your University Card and College Logins. If you are unable to come during those slots, please visit the Academic Office on Monday. | Academic Office, Staircase III | |
14:30-17:00 | Optional | Small tours every 30 mins. (Radcam, Turl St etc) | Meet in 1st quad |
18:00-19:00 | Optional |
Meet the staircase Hall Meal. Two sittings (please visit the Hall at the following times depending on your staircase). 1. 18:00 sitting: Staircase 19, Staircase 18, Staircase 20, off-campus. |
Hall |
19:00-20:00 | Optional |
Meet the staircase continued. 19 = JCR |
Different places for each staircase. |
21:00 -Onwards | Optional | Quiz Night | JCR |
Time | Type of Event | Event | Location |
09:30-10:15 | Welcome Ceremony: Welcome from the Principal, Academic Director, Director of Accommodation, Catering & Conferences, Estates Bursar, Development Director, Chaplain, Dean and Junior Deans. Smart dress required, but not academic gowns or formal jackets. Please make your way to Hub by 9.15am to ensure that you are seated for the ceremony which starts promptly at 9.30am. | Cheng Digital Hub | |
10:15-11:00 | College Practicalities induction with College staff and JCR President. | ||
14:00-15:30 | Consent Workshop hosted by the Welfare Officer Kirren Mahmood. | Cheng Digital Hub | |
16:00-17:30 | Optional | Picnic + games | University Parks |
19:00-21:00 | Welcome dinner with Principal and JCR Committee. Seating plan in alphabetical order. No dress code. This dinner is free of charge. Please make your way to Hall from 7.00pm to ensure that you are seated for dinner which starts 7.15pm | Hall | |
21:00-23:00 | Optional | BOP: Dress as something that starts with the first letter of your name (will have pool room open as a welfare space). | JCR |
21:00-23:00 | Optional | G&D Ice cream trip | George & Danver |
Time | Type of Event | Event | Location |
10:00-11:30 | Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Training hosted by the Welfare Officer Kirren Mahmood. | Cheng Digital Hub | |
12:00-13:30 | Optional | Brunch with parents | Various |
14:15-15:15 | Introduction to Studying at Oxford with the Principal, Academic Director and Academic Skills Fellow | Lecture Theatre | |
16:00-17:00 | Optional | LGBTea with Charlie Evans | University Parks |
17:00-20:00 | Optional | Taster session for Squash | Jesus Squash Courts |
20:00-22:00 | Optional | Tote bag painting | JCR |
Time | Type of Event | Event | Location |
09:30-13:00 | Meeting with tutors: time(s) and venue will be organised by tutors, so please check your email, notice boards in the Lodge or your pigeonhole for details except Chemistry and English who have separate arrangement. | As organised by individual subject tutors | |
11:00- lunch | Optional | Scavenger hunt | Around Oxford |
14:00-16:30 | Induction by Subject Groups to College Library. See timetable for your slot. | Library, entrance to staircase XVII. | |
15:00-16:00 | Optional | College freshers fair | Cheng cafe |
Various slots | Introduction to Bodleian Libraries at the following times: • 10:00-10:30 • 11:15-11:45 • 15:00-15:30 • 16:15-16:45 You do not need to register. To attend one of the sessions, please use the Teams link. |
Teams link | |
18:30-19:00 | Freshers' Drinks. | Cheng Ground Floor or location chosen by your College Tutor. See list in Lodge. | |
19:00-21:00 | Freshers' Dinner. | Hall | |
21:00-23:00 | Optional | Bar night with JCMS event | Bar |
21:00 | Optional | Non-drinking: snacks and soft drinks | JCR |
23:00 - Onwards | Optional | Plush club night (will have sober angels present) | Plush |
Time | Type of Event | Event | Location |
All day | Begin your academic work, as set by your tutors. | ||
09:30 - 10:30 | Optional | Joint JCR-MCR Chaplain’s Breakfast : All welcome to drop in: a chance to meet other students involved in the chapel community, of all faiths and none, and find out more about what the Chaplain does. Pastries, juice, tea and coffee. | Cheng Building Café |
10:00-15:30 | Induction by Subject Groups to College Library. See timetable for your slot. | Library, entrance to staircase XVII. | |
Various slots | Introduction to Bodleian Libraries at the following times: • 09:15-09:45 • 11:00-11:30 • 14:00-14:30 • 16:30-17:00 You do not need to register. To attend one of the sessions, please use the Teams link. |
Teams link | |
10:00-11:00 | Optional | International students event. | Stevens (Meet in 3rd quad) |
Entry 14:00-15:00 | Optional | Oxford SU Freshers' Fair. | Exam Schools |
16:00-17:00 | Optional | Muslim student event. | Habakkuk Room |
18:30-20:00 | Optional | Jesus College Choir – initial rehearsal. The choir is non-auditioning but richly resourced and rewarding. It performs weekly during term. All are welcome to give it a try. | Chapel |
20:00-22:00 | Optional | Games night and cupcake decorating | JCR |
Time | Type of Event | Event | Location |
All day | Continue your academic work, as set by your tutors. | ||
Various slots | Introduction to Bodleian Libraries at the following times: • 09:30-10:00 • 11:30-12:00 • 13:30-14:00 • 15:30-16:00 You do not need to register. To attend one of the sessions, please use the Teams link. |
Teams link | |
12:00-17:00 | Optional | Subject meet up: sports day (& BBQ) | Barts |
18:30-19:30 | Optional | Subject Drinks Meet up (Provisional Event ) | Various |
20:30-23:00 | Optional | Whole college BOP (Theme: Geeks and Greeks (Freshers as Geeks, rest of JCR as Greeks) | JCR |
21:30- Midnight | Optional | Non-drinking: OxALTS ice hockey (taster session) | Ice Rink |
23:00 - Onwards | Optional | Bridge club night (sober angels will be present) | Bridge |
Time | Type of Event | Event | Location |
Morning | Optional | Sports taster sessions | Various (mainly Barts) |
15:00 -16:00 | Optional | Ethnic minority drinks (non-alcoholic options available) | Harold Wilson Room |
18:00 - 20:00 | Optional | College family dinners (no alcohol if someone in the family doesn’t drink) | Stevens |
20:00-23:00 | Optional | Steven’s flat party (flat 1 and 4 so far have agreed to be open). Non-drinking: Red flat 1 open with games and snacks (doubles up as welfare flat) | Stevens |
1st Week: 13-19 October
Time | Type of Event | Event | Location |
13:00 - Onwards | Optional | Rowing taster session | Jesus College Boat Club |
17:30 | Optional | Freshers’ Evensong: The first performance given by this year's College Choir. | Chapel |
Time | Type of Event | Event | Location |
18:30-20:00 | Optional | GP drop-in session. You are invited to meet your College Doctors and Team. Surnames A -L from 18:30 and M-Z from 19:15 |
Northgate Health Centre |
Time | Type of Event | Event | Location |
08:00-08:30 & 09:00-09:30 | Optional | Individual Matriculation photos with Gillman & Soame photographers | 1st and 2nd Quad,* Chapel / Meeting Rooms *weather dependent |
08:30 | Compulsory Matriculation group photograph with Gillman & Soame photographers. To be taken promptly at 08:45, so must assemble at 08:30. | 2nd Quad | |
09:30 | Procession led by Dean of Degrees to Sheldonian Theatre. | 1st Quad | |
10:00 | Matriculation Ceremony. You are free to leave after the ceremony | Sheldonian Theatre |
5th Week: 10-15 November
Time | Type of Event | Event | Location |
18:15-19:00 | Optional | International drinks: all welcome. The Principal, Academic Director, International Fellows, and Chaplain invite you to drinks and nibbles. A chance to see what you are making of Jesus College, Oxford. Ask any questions which have occurred to you. Please complete the online form to RSVP by noon on 1st November. |
Cheng Building Café |