
Oxford is a wonderful place, rich in opportunities to fulfil one's potential. However, it is not unusual for some welfare need to arise during a student's time at Oxford. Such needs vary in their nature and urgency. A difficulty at home can be stressful, which in turn can impact your productivity. Financial difficulties can make it hard to do as much academic work as you would like during the vacations. Sometimes students can experience depression and/or anxiety from time to time. 

The College and University take their roles seriously in promoting the well-being of all our students and provide a wide range of support to ensure that your time spent here is productive and enjoyable.

The College’s Welfare Team includes The Welfare Officer, Academic Director, Disability & Grants Officer, College Nurse, and College Chaplain. For further information about the Welfare Provision here at Jesus College please refer to our leaflet





We are well aware of the importance of good wellbeing and mental health to help you reach your academic potential, and make the most of your time here at Oxford. There aren't many of us who haven't grown and changed from our university experiences. By the time you graduate, you will not only be equipped to embark on a fulfilling career but to also lead meaningful lives as better humans in a changing global landscape.

Maintaining good mental health is just as important as maintaining good physical health and our aim is therefore to host/offer termly events in college that are dedicated to your mental and physical wellbeing and welfare.
