We run the Papercut Web Print service which will allow you to upload your file to the printserver and then print it on either the Library or the Cheng building large printer/photocopiers. You need to be connected to the JC-Wifi wifi network to use Web Print. If you're not, the login page below won't appear.
To use this facility, click this link which will bring up the Papercut login page and use your Jesus College username and password - these are generally given to you in a letter in your Pidge when you start at the college, and are separate to the SSO and wifi passwords. If you're not sure what your password is then the IT team can reset it for you - contact it-help@jesus.ox.ac.uk
Select the Web Print menu on the left-hand side and then click the “Submit a Job” button, you will be asked to select the file(s) you wish to print.
and the system will then ask you to which printer queue you want the job submitted:
There are four different print queues to enable you to select different print formats;
“Duplex_BW” means your job will be printed in black and white, and on both sides of the paper.
“Duplex_Colour” means your job will be printed in colour, and on both sides of the paper.
"Simplex_BW" means that it will be printed single-sided in colour.
"Simplex_Colour" means that it will be printed single-sided in colour.
Colour printing is expensive so you should only select the colour queues when your job warrants it.
Having selected the type of printing you want, you’ll then press the Print Options and Account Selection button. This will ask you to select the number of copies you want (the default is 1) and the account you would like to charge of which the only valid option is "Charge to my personal account".
the “Upload Documents” button will bring up a window which invites you to select the file you want to print, or you can drag and drop the file into the window. Follow the on-screen instructions and your job will be queued for printing.
Now you can go to either the Library ground floor or Cheng first floor study area printers and if your fob has already been associated with your college network account, you can simply sign in using the fob and you’ll then see the list of your print jobs waiting for the OK to print.
If it's your first time printing, when you wave your fob at the reader on the printer it will say that it doesn't recognise your card, and invite you to log in on the printer console. You need to use your Jesus College login and password for this, and the printer will then remember these for use next time.
Having got to the list of print jobs, you can either cancel or print them, and remember to sign out again before you leave the machine.
Print Costs