Academic Office


The Academic Office deals with all the College’s academic administration, covering undergraduates, postgraduates, Fellows and Lecturers. We look after every aspect of a student's academic career at the College. One way of thinking of us is as the College’s "Academic Services". The Office is managed by the Academic Director, who is supported by a team of staff comprising the Academic Registrar, Graduate Administrator, Disability & Grants Officer, Academic Administrative Assistant, Admissions Officer, Access Fellow and Access Assistant. 

Location & Hours 

The Academic Office is located on the First floor of Staircase III, First Quad. 

We are open Monday – Friday: 9:00-13:00 and 14:00-17:00, but if you find the light on and the door unlocked outside of these hours, feel free to call in! 

Contact Us 

T: +44 (0)1865 279724 
